Mentoring StartupLive Vienna
It is odd how some things go. I only went to a dinner the other day a friend of mine asked me to get to because he couldn’t. There I met up with some old people from the startup community again. And one told me, that they’ll be going to vienna to mentor at StartupLive and that they are still looking for Mentors with tech skills. And not a full week later I am having the flight tickets in my hand. So I am very proud to announce: I’ll be going to Vienna to Mentor at StartupLiveMarch 30th.
I am not exactly sure what that means. But I directly volunteered to try a new concept. Usually the mentors only come in for the Saturday afternoon to give feedback on the progress the teams have so far. This time me, Jessica Erickson and from what I heard Salim Varina will be there from Friday afternoon all the way through to sunday and support the teams. Sounds really interesting, looking forward - also to visit a great city.