Writings on Tech
Beware of the DashMap deadlock
Six niche tips for shipping Flutter MacOS builds
Pay-per-seat pricing is killing the contributor-driven online communities
Hunting down a non-determinism-bug in our Rust Wasm build
Chat is terrible; don't use it! - backed by science
Rust 2020
Clippy: Linting as a Service
AreWeWebYet Relaunch
How do you learn to code?
Importance is contextual
In doubt: access granted
Time to give music visualisation a meaning
There is an app for that
Better than chance is not enough
Get out of the way
Here is why I won’t bother reading your job posting
The Technology Placebo Test
Passwords are so 2007
Blind from what we see
The gym which pays you for exercising
HTML5 mobile apps aren’t slower - your developers just suck
Germany sucks at programming - statistically speaking
Privacy vs. the Cloud
Usability goes beyond design
Google+ Hangouts: great technology - what’s the product?
Fully Flexible, highly extendable CMS with I18N support - introducing HTML5 Static Pages
It’s time for a change
Why 6Wunderkinder rewritting their apps as native is an argument PRO cross platform frameworks
So, what language are you programming in?
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