Writings on Entrepreneuring
Pay-per-seat pricing is killing the contributor-driven online communities
2 Open Source Business Models by former MySQL CEO Marten Mickos
Why having a Purpose will serve your Tech Venture greatly
Introducing: the Tech Creationist Canvas
Tech Creationist Canvas: The Principles
The Tech Creationist Canvas explained
Tech Creationist Canvas Editor
Lean Startup Canvas: the wrong tool
Warning: Lean Startup Canvas may derail your tech venture
Is business against open?
The hype is over. Long live the hype
Berlin’s future? Same old same old
WhatsApp exodus: An irrational consequence of the NSA Scandal
Production is Research
Does the real world Impact of Technology decrease over time?
Recoining terms: use for-good instead non-profit
Fighting unfair to even out
If the AirBnB model is so easy, why is it so rare?
Is Breaking Bad’s Walter White really an entrepreneur to aspire for?
Made to Stick and Private Equity
The Art of War and How to Win friends and influence people
Rework and Delivering Happiness
This ain’t California
Build teams which are uncomfortable
Platforms are for publishing
Content creation isn’t about the tool
Inflation caused by easiness
Limited by the giant we stand on
Don’t fear the trademark
There is an app for that
Cease to exist
Free to pay
Stuck at the mid level
Germany, home of the cheap
Not Deciding is a Decision
The flaws of todays crowdinvestment models
Crowdfunding unequals Crowdfunding
Here is why I won’t bother reading your job posting
The gym which pays you for exercising
Stuck in the 70th
Quo vadis, Berlin Startup Scene?
Germany sucks at programming - statistically speaking
Privacy vs. the Cloud
Why I didn’t bother voting against Leistungsschutzrecht
Berlin risks its spirit
What’s in it for them?
Google+ Hangouts: great technology - what’s the product?
Berlin has no infrastructure for startups
When they say passion they mean pain
Why you won’t be the next Instagram
Entrepreneursip is English for fixing real world problems
Don’t do non-performance marketing
Technology ≠ Product
Arts are the root of Entrepreneurship
Tech Entrepreneur? Without coding skills? Shut up
Two Things About The German Tech Startup (Job) Market
Stop talking, start building
Does this mean we can’t pay online anymore?
About copycats and deutsche doggen
An open letter to Marketing
Outsourcing Social Media? Bad idea!
Who’s afraid of Social Media?
Location based Services - Should I care about them
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